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both lymphatic and myeloid Cialis Online Reviews leucemia. It is not known where or how the body is produced, but it is suggested that it is a product of anomalous endo- genous metabolism. No case has yet been recorded in which it has been definitely proved that the bone marrow was free from some pathological process. Seven cases of Bence-Jones proteinuria are re- ported as having come under the authors' observa- tion within a year and a half. One was associated with a myelogenous leucemia and a second with myeloma. In the other five cases there were no bone lesions demonstrable by the most searching examination. In three of them the conditions was discovered by accident ; in the other two there were symptoms similar to those of chronic nephritis with edema. In all cases there was hypertension and cylindruria. In the three without evidences of nephritis the phenolsulphonephthalein excretion was normal. The Bence-Jones protein was the only one present in the urine in these cases. The occurrence of so many cases of Bence-Jones proteinuria Cialis Online Reviews and the finding of the protein in five cases without evi- dences of bone lesions suggest that the protein may not be so very uncommon as supposed and that its presence may often be overlooked in routine exam- inations. 4^6 MISCELLANY FROM HOME AM) FOREIGN JOURNALS. (New Vork Medical Joubn Electrocardiographic Observations in Toxic Goitre.— I.ilward \'>. Kruinhliaar { Aincncan Jour- nal of the Medical Sciences, I'cbruary, I9i8_) pre- sents the following conclusions ; In early cases of toxic goitre tiie characteristic tachycardia is not ac- companied by any signs of myocardial change that are demonstrable with the string galvanometer. With j)ersisting overaction of the heart, hyper- Cialis Online Reviews trophy of cither ventricle may become manifest. Progressive hypertrophy and overaction result in myocardial degeneration that may be manifested by any type of cardiac irregularity, sinus arrhythmia, [iremature contractions, auricular flutter, auricular fibrillation, heart block, etc. If the existing intoxi- cation is the chief factor in the production of the arrhythmia, this may disappear with removal of the intoxication. Successful treatment, whether medical or surgical, improves the cardiac condition by this means, as shown not only by the occasional disappearance of an arrhythmia, but also by diminu- Cialis Online Reviews tion in the size of the T wave and in the pulse pres- sure as well as by the general cliiiical condition. The development of diphasic or inverted T waves should probably be considered as influencing prog- nosis unfavorably. Angina Pectoris. — James B. Ilerrick and Frank [\. Cialis Online Reviews Nuzum [Journal A. M. A., January 12, 1918) report their clinical experiences with over 200 cases, mainly seen in private practice and consultation. No cases of false angina are included. Among the spe- cial features noted was the Cialis Online Reviews fact that by far the most frequent exciting cause of an attack was walking, specially rapid walking against a wind or uphill. When the walking was performed soon after a heavy meal it was even more likely to provoke an attack. On the other hand the classical fit of anger was found to be a very rare cause of an attack. In four cases there was an interesting association of high grade anemia with typical Cialis Online Reviews angina, but it was impossible to state whether or not the anemia bore Cialis Online Reviews any causal relation to the angina. Several cases were seen in which the anginal attack was due to coronary thrombosis. In some of these the throm- bosis accompanied the first attack, while in others there had been repeated previous anginal attacks. In not every case of thrombosis of the coronary, or one of its branches was the attack immediately fatal, some patients having lived for considerable periods. The thrombotic attacks were generally unusually severe, often with vomiting, and followed by shock or collapse. The pulse in these was often rapid, very feeble, and compressible, and the blood pres- sure was often low. In some dyspnea and Cialis Online Reviews cyanosis were extreme with great distention of the lungs. The pain in most of such cases was low in the chest or in the epigastrium and resembled that of some subphrenic condition. The prognosis was grave, but the average duration of life in fifty cases in which death occurred was almost three years. In the treatment of the condition nitrites were foun 1 to be almost specific for the relief of the attacks in only a small pro]iortion of the cases, totally failing in many of the others. They should always be tried, however. Morphine was found of great value in the relief of the pain. Cialis Online Reviews The only other remedies Cialis Online Reviews of real value were- the iodides ami digitalis. Spirochaeta Icterohemorrhagiae in American Wild Rats. — James \\ . Jobling and A. A. Egg- ■itcin (Journal A. M. A., Xoveniber 24, 1917) ex- amined over a hundred wild rats caught about Nashville and found that at least ten per cent, of them were infected with the Spirocha;la ictero- liemorrhagix. They also recall Cialis Online Reviews the fact that Noguchi found similar infection of the rats wild in New York. With the institution of training in trench warfare in our home cantonments the conditions for the outbreak and spread of infectious jaundice would be analogous to those in France and steps should b<: Cialis Online Reviews takCialis Online Reviews acid precipitate of the blood serum. As the result of an investigation of this test in Cialis Online Reviews 209 cases, Still- ians concludes that it is practically worthless as it fails in a considerable proportion of cases of Cialis Online Reviews early secondary syphilis, gives positive reactions in about twenty-five per cent, of nonsyphilitics, and disagrees Ai'ih the Wassermann reaction in over twenty-five per cent, of instances.